VDX-6318 Windows Embedded Compact 7 - Getting Started Guide
Windows Embedded Compact 7 Getting Started Rev 2.00
Page 28
Expand the
\Core OS\Windows Embedded Compact\Applications – End User
node, locate and
include the following components to the OS design to support CAB file installation and application
deployment from the Visual Studio 2008 IDE:
CAB File Installer/Uninstaller
This component provides application installation & removal support. It’s needed to support
VS2008 application debug and deployment.
Expand the
\Core OS\Windows Embedded Compact\Applications and Services Development
locate and include the following components to the OS design to support managed code application:
.NET Compact Framework 3.5
OS Dependencies for .NET Compact Framework 3.5
.NET Compact Framework components are needed to support managed code application. During
the OS Design wizard steps, .NET Compact Framework 3.5 components are included to the OS
design project. Expand the \
Core OS\Windows Embedded Compact\Applications and Services
node to validate these two .NET Compact Framework components are selected.
Expand the
\Core OS\ Windows Embedded Compact\Communication Services and
node, select and include the FTP server component to the OS design:
FTP Server
The FTP server provides a convenience mechanism to upload file(s) to the target device, and
download file(s) from the target device, using an FTP client.
In the later section, the following registry entries will be added to the project to enable the FTP
server and enable support for anonymous login to the FTP server:
Expand the
\Third Party\Embedded101
node, select and include the following AutoLaunch
components to the OS design, a utility to launch application during startup:
With the appropriate registry entries, the AutoLaunch utility can be configured to launch one or
more application automatically when the Compact 7 OS starts.
The following sample registry entries configure the AutoLaunch utility to launch App1.exe and
App2.exe with 5 and 10 seconds delay respectively.
“Process2”= “App1.exe”
; delay 5 seconds before launching App1.exe
“Process3”= “App2.exe –c”
“Process3Delay”=dword:00002710 ; delay 10 seconds before launching App2.exe