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Step 7 – Pre-Crop Object (2
button from bottom on left hand
Enable the Crop by left clicking on the ‘Crop’ button then simply click and drag the mouse
cursor over the subject in the ‘Live View Window’. Feature Video
While cropping the object, users will want to continue to rotate the object to ensure it does not
fall outside of the cropped area as it rotates.
Step 8 – Selecting Image’s for Editing/Processing
Viewing an Image: Click on the thumbnail to view the image in the ‘Image Viewing Window’.
Selecting an Image(s): Left click the small box to the left of the image. Once selected it will be
noted by an ‘ ’ in the box. To select all images in the thumbnail gallery, click the check box in
the bottom right corner of the Thumbnail Gallery Window. It is suggested to select all images
captured over the 360 rotation.
Step 9 – Editing (Third button down under Image Processing
There is a wide variety of editing tools for background removal, color adjustments & image
quality changes. It is suggested to review the User Guide to get a complete understanding of
the entire Image Editing features and functionality. The most popular tool for 360 product
photography batch image editing is our Levels tool:
Levels: The graphic with the mountain looking shapes
is called the Histogram - this describes the color values
in the selected image. The left side is the very dark
(black) colors in the image, on the right the very bright
(white) colors in the image. The higher the mountain –
the more a specific color is in the image. To adjust