1 Cut two pieces of the included 18/2 SJ cord (Table 4 on page 21) to length. Cut the first piece of
wire to run between the Alarm Box and the right edge of the CM - see Figure 16 on page 21 and
Figure 18. Cut the second piece to run between the Power Supply plug in transformer (Table 4 on
page 21) and the Alarm Box.
Remote Installations:
If the Alarm Box is installed in a remote location additional 18/2 SJ cord
can be used if the 12’ included with the Alarm Box is not long enough.
2 Feed one end of the wires cut in Step 1 through the compression fitting on the Alarm Box - see
Figure 17 on page 22. Leave enough wire inside the Alarm Box enclosure to make the wiring
connections shown in Figure 19 on page 24. Tighten the compression fitting.
3 Strip 1/4” of insulation from the ends of all four wires inside the Alarm Box enclosure. Using the
included wire nuts (Table 4 on page 21) connect the wiring as shown in the Connection and
Wiring diagrams in Figure 19 on page 24.
4 Replace the cover on the Alarm Box and turn the four twist lock screws 1/4 turn to secure it.
5 Ensure the low voltage wiring is properly connected to the 24 VAC output terminals on the Power
Supply plug in transformer as shown in the Connection and Wiring diagrams in Figure 19 on
page 24. Strip 1/4” of insulation from the two wire ends leading to the plug in transformer and
make the connections.
6 Strip 1/4” of insulation from the two wire ends leading to the Alarm Relay contact terminal strip on
the CM. Connect these two wire ends to the “COM” and “NO” terminals on the terminal strip - see
the Connection and Wiring diagrams in Figure 19 on page 24 and Figure 18. Unplug the Alarm
Relay contact terminal strip from the CM when making these connections and tighten the
terminal screws securely. Plug the terminal strip back into the CM when finished.
7 Plug the Power Supply plug in transformer into an available 120 VAC outlet. Check for voltage at
the output wiring terminals on the Power Supply plug in transformer with an AC volt meter. If 24
VAC is not present ensure the wall outlet is supplying 120 VAC to the plug in transformer. If there
is 120 VAC at the wall outlet but there is not 24 VAC at the plug in transformer’s output terminals
- replace the plug in transformer.
8 Check for voltage between the “COM” and “NO” Alarm terminals on the Alarm Relay contact
terminal strip with an AC volt meter. If 24 VAC is not present ensure all Alarm Box wiring is
properly connected - see the Connection and Wiring diagrams in Figure 19 on page 24.
Figure 18
Right Edge View of CM (communication module)
Alarm Relay Contact Terminal Strip
(unplug from CM for wiring)
Alarm Box mounted - wiring routed inside enclosure