Wall Mounting
1 Choose an indoor location with adequate wall space to mount the Alarm Box. The Alarm Box can
be installed near the CM (communication module - page 6) or in a remote location. When
choosing a remote location keep in mind the Display Button on the CM (Figure 2 on page 6) must
be pressed to silence the alarm when activated.
2 Remove the Alarm Box cover by turning the four twist lock screws 1/4 turn and pulling the cover
away from the enclosure - see Figure 16 on page 21.
3 Drill two 1/8” mounting holes 2 - 3 inches apart through the back of the Alarm Box enclosure.
4 Use the Alarm Box as a template to align the enclosure on the wall. Mark the wall with a pencil or
awl through the holes drilled in Step 3 while holding the enclosure level.
5 Drill two holes in the wall where the marks were made in the Step 4 using a portable drill and the
appropriate type (standard or masonry) of 5/16” drill bit. See Tool Requirements on page 4.
6 Insert one Nylon Toggle Anchor (Table 4 on page 21) in each hole drilled in Step 5. Gently tap the
anchors into the holes using a hammer until they are flush with the wall.
7 Align the Alarm Box enclosure with the anchors in the wall and install the two mounting screws
(Table 4 on page 21) to secure the enclosure to the wall.
Figure 17
Alarm Box Enclosure
Alarm Box Cover Removed
fitting for wiring
Remove the cover and mount level on a wall