Scrambler function
The voce scrambler functon provdes prvate communca-
ton between statons.
The optonal Rollng or Non-rollng type can be avalable.
Push [Scrambler] to turn the scrambler functon ON.
• “
” (Scrambler ndcator) appears.
Push [Scrambler] agan to turn the scrambler functon
• “
” dsappears.
Emergency transmission
The emergency call can be performed usng [Emergency]. (p. 5)
When [Emergency] s pushed for the specfied tme perod,
the DTMF or 5-tone emergency sgnal s transmtted once
or repeatedly on the emergency channel dependng on the
channel. However, when no emergency channel s specfied,
the sgnal s transmtted on the prevously selected channel.
If you want to cancel the emergency call, push and hold the
key agan before transmttng the call.
Emergency call s also avalable wth the MDC 1200 sgnal-
ng system. (p. 13)
Stun function
When the specfied ID, set as a stun ID or kll ID, s receved,
the stun functon s actvated.
When the stun ID s receved, the transcever becomes
unusable. Enterng of the password (p. 8) or recevng a
specfied ID, set as a revve ID, s necessary to operate the
transcever agan n ths case.
When the kll ID s receved, the transcever swtches to
the clonng requred condton. Clonng the transcever s
necessary to operate the transcever agan n ths case.
Stun functon s also avalable wth the MDC 1200 sgnalng
system. (p. 13)
.riority A channel selection
When one of the followng operatons s performed, the
transcever selects the Prorty A channel automatcally.
• Turnng the power ON
The Prorty A channel s selected each tme the trans-
cever power s turned ON.
• Off hook.
The Prorty A channel s selected when the mcrophone s
took off from ts hanger.