KV5R: Icom IC-706MkIIG Mods and Tips
2. Increase your room temperature 10 degrees above normal and stabilize it.
3. Lay the radio upside-down on a pad, front facing you.
4. Connect power and antenna.
5. Remove the bottom cover and set it aside.
6. Verify the room temperature is 10 degrees above normal, and stable.
7. Turn the radio on and let it receive for 30 minutes or so.
8. Set and lock the VFO to the highest WWV signal you can hear -- usually 20.000.000 Hz.
9. Set Mode to CW. You will hear the 600 Hz receiver offset tone beating the WWV carrier.
10. Press and hold (1 ) the Mode button repeatedly, switching between CW and CW-Reverse.
11. Compare the two tones. If there is any shift in the CW and CW-R tones, you need to calibrate the
Master Oscillator.
12. Don the magnifier and adjust the lighting.
13. Get the jeweler’s screwdriver that precisely fits the slot in the trimmer capacitor.
14. Wrap a band of electrical tape around the handle of the screwdriver until is it 1/2 to 3/4 inch in
diameter, This allows you much more precise control.
15. NOTE: Touch the tiny components with the lightest possible pressure!
16. Set the VR to its mid-point.
17. Adjust the trimmer cap as close as possible (coarse adjustment). Use the lightest possible touch!
18. Remember to remove the screwdriver from the trimmer cap when comparing CW/CW-R tones.
19. DO NOT adjust any of the coils! (L623 or L601).
20. Finally, adjust the VR (fine adjustment) until you hear no frequency shift between CW and CW-R.
High-Precision Adjustment:
1. Connect the radio’s audio output to the audio line-in of a computer (set the volume low).
2. Run a program such as MixW that has a continuously averaging audio frequency display in the
status line.
file:///C|/My%20Downloads/Icom/706.asp.htm (6 of 15)5/4/2009 11:29:12 PM