Safety valve(s) opening
Exceeding of the max pressure regulated on the valve that
must be equal to the appliance design pressure
Adjustment of block pressure switches and/or limit too
Safety valve calibration loss
Check and subsequent calibration of the valve using a
sample pressure gauge
Small leak from the safety valve(s)
Dirt around the shutter seat
Cleaning of seat by sometimes acting on the manual
opening lever
Scratched shutter seat
Valve disassembly and polishing of the internal seat with
very fine abrasive paste
Pump block
Disconnected pump thermal relay
Check motor absorption
Check thermal calibration
Blocked pump shaft
Electric pump maintenance
Block pressure switch intervention
Calibrated limit pressure switch too high
Limit pressure switch calibration
Faulty limit pressure switch
Limit pressure switch replacement
Clogged pressure switch coil
Coil cleaning or replacement
Block pressure switch failure
Pressure switch replacement
Level 1 or 2 safety intervention
Interrupted water level detection
Encrusted stainless steel rod
Interrupted connection cable
Faulty safety level relay
Temporary replacement of electronic safety relay with one
of the two relays in the panel
If the problem is solved, permanently replace the faulty
Lack of water filling
See "Loading" Problems
Incorrect electrical panel probe power supply electrical
cable wiring
Wiring diagram check
Insufficient water loading
Pump block
See "Pump block" Problems
Dirty pump intake filter
Filter cleaning
Level adjustment anomaly
Temporary replacement of electronic adjustment relay with
one of the two relays in the panel.
If the problem is solved, permanently replace the faulty
Level adjustment probes short-circuit
Disassemble the adjustment probes to visually check the
ceramic insulation
Pump cavitation
Head (=height difference between the collection vessel
level and the pump) insufficient in relation to the water
Pump intake filter cleaning
Reduce resistance of the duct between collection vessel
and pump by increasing the passage section
Pump rotation direction
Invert one of the phases (three-phase pump)
Burner always on
Incorrect connection to the electrical panel
See the wiring diagram
Faulty level safety relays
See "Level 1 or 2 safety intervention"
Block and/or adjustment pressure switches not active
Pressure switches calibration check
Check of pressure switch connections to the electrical
Burner always off
Burner problems
See specific Burner manual
Burner fuses interrupted
Fuses replacement
No consent to burner from adjustment pressure switch
Adjustment pressure switch replacement
No consent to burner from level safety relays
See "Level 1 or 2 safety intervention"
Incorrect connection to the electrical panel
See the wiring diagram
Protection and respect for the environment is a fundamental principle for
The quality of products, lower costs and protection of the environment are of equal importance for the company.
, also through ISO 14001 certification, strictly adheres to European laws and standards for the protection and preservation
of the environment.
In order to reduce its impact on the environment, the company uses the best technology and materials in its production process-
es and always considers their economic impact.
System for 24 or 72 h operation without continuous supervision.
Decommissioned appliances contain materials that can be recycled since they do not contain asbestos or non-reusable hazard-
ous materials.
Cooke Industries - Phone: +64 9 579 2185 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cookeindustries.co.nz