ICFR – Chainsaw Safety and Operating Handbook
The “
South African Chainsaw Safety and Operating Handbook
” is the result of a project initiated by Forest
Engineering Southern Africa’s (FESA’s) Chainsaw Working Group. The project was made possible by the active
involvement of various representatives of the forestry industry, chainsaw manufacturers and chainsaw users.
The following people have contributed to this Handbook:
Derek Howe
DH Logging
(Ex Nordfor)
Hilton Lane (Project leader)
Ian Conradie (Co-author)
Dennis Ogram
Nordfor Africa
Jean-Pierre Poupard
Deon van der Merwe
A running chainsaw is ranked as one of the most dangerous power tools or pieces of equipment used in forestry.
Unlike other saw types or moving machinery, the cutting mechanism of the chainsaw cannot be fully covered or
protected due to the function it has to perform, namely felling, debranching or cross-cutting timber.
The chainsaw is a highly engineered machine with a high torque engine and a high power to weight ratio.
The operating speed of the chainsaw is in the vicinity of 12 000 to 14 000 rpm and has a chain speed in excess of
20 metres per second. These factors, combined with certain reactive forces, make it absolutely necessary for all
chainsaw operators to be properly trained.
The “
South African Chainsaw Safety and Operating Handbook
” covers safety aspects, techniques and principles
relating to the safe operation of the chainsaw, ensuring that the user understands the reason for certain mechanical
and dynamic principles and reactive forces that exist.
The Handbook is based on South African conditions, with the emphasis being on the chainsaw operator.
The primary purpose of the Handbook is to make chainsaw operations more efficient and safer.
The Handbook
has been designed to standardise chainsaw handling requirements. It is therefore a convenient reference work
and guide to effective and safe working procedures. All chainsaw operators, instructors, training centres, tertiary
education institutions, management, forest owners, maintenance facilitators and distributors should be fully aware
of and conversant with the Handbook.
All standards contained in the Handbook are internationally acceptable and comply with those set out by the
International Labour Organisation and the South African Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act).
As the Handbook is generic by nature it does not replace the chainsaw owner’s manual, which is specific to a
particular make and model of chainsaw.
The Handbook underwrites all facets of FESA’s
“Guidelines for Forest Engineering Practices in South Africa,
With the establishment of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in South Africa, the Handbook is
extensively referred to in the unit standards that were generated for chainsaw operators. It is therefore a useful aid
for designing training courses and assessment guides.
Rod Baker
FG Licence
Guy Havemann
Ex Nordfor
Koos Kotze
Dave Hutton
Roy Engelbrecht
Nigel Fuller
Dylan Lane