• Provide standard 3 pin power socket for controller to plug into below the
location of controller terminal box near the hot water cylinder.
• For single element cylinders connect phase from MCB/isolation switch via
contactor side of relay to element.
• For two element cylinders provide a 20 amp rokker switch between relay and
elements, so that the customer can choose top element or bottom element.
Mark the switch accordingly. Alternatively a 20amp rotary switch can be
used. Most rotary switches are marked with 1 and 2 so mark the corre-
sponding elements on the cylinder 1 and 2 so it is clear to the end user what
element that the system is operating.
• CAUTION: It is not recommended to have separate switching for elements
independent of the controller, otherwise an element can be accidently left
on reducing the performance of the controller. Please ensure the end user
understands how the system is connected.
• CAUTION: Ripple or intermittent power can restrict use of intelligent time
heating, backup time heating and manual heating functions of controller. For
full user control, DO NOT install with devices that can disrupt power. If the
user is happy to use intermittent power, then ensure that the user adjusts
time heating settings and legionella control to suit, and that they are aware
that manual boost will only work during power supply.
• WARNING: Do not connect the controller to a ripple controlled or unstable
power source.
1= Mains Pressure
2= Medium Pressure
3= Low Pressure
for system