Management Summary Graphs (MSG)
The MSG graphs are available as part of the no additional charge offering of PM for Power
There are three graphs available:
File System Space
Processor (MSG)
Processor Management Summary Graph.
This graph provides a view of the total processor utilization for the shift for the partition (or system
if no partitions exist) for the period.
Average percent utilization is a utilization measure of all workloads combined for the entire shift
for all measured days for the period. Peak Average percent utilization is an average of the two
busiest shift hours of all workloads combined for all measured days in the period.
The graph shows the current monthly utilization, the color for the month and then shows a 12-
month projection based on up to 13 months prior history, if available. The color of a bar in a
certain month is the projected status of that resource for that month.
Green means the resource usage will be in the acceptable range. Yellow means the resource
usage is marginal and will need attention in the near future. Red means the resource usage is
critical and needs immediate attention.
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document