Percent of Time RunQ Over the Limit, Per Hour
Hourly RunQ Graph.
This is the hourly profile for the RunQ Over the Limit metric, for the interval specified.
The black line represents the highest RunQ Over the Limit percentage for the hour during the
period specified
The RunQ Over the Limit metric represents the percentage of time the run queue (i.e. number of
jobs waiting) is greater than 5 times the number of processors in the partition The minimum value
for the number of processors is 5. For partial processor LPARs (less than 1 processor), 5 is the
value used for the number of processors..
The recommended threshold for Run Q Over the Limit is 20%. If the RUNQ Over the Limit
percentage is consistently above this 20% guideline, then corrective action should be taken.
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document