ibidi Pump System
1. Connect the end of the black-marked tubing to the Fluidic Unit (inside the incubator).
2. Connect the yellow-marked tubing to the pump front port.
With negative air pressure, the ambient air that enters the reservoirs comes directly from inside the
incubator and provides the correct CO
concentration. However, the humid air that is drawn into the
filters could cause them to become damp and possibly blocked. Additionally, the negative pressure
in the tubing favors the ingress of air and contaminants.
The table below shows an overview of the differences between positive and negative pressure.
Positive Pressure (recommended)
Negative Pressure
Less likely
More likely
To reach the desired CO
level, gas
from inside the incubator has to be
connected to the pump rear port.
The incubator’s atmosphere is di-
rectly applied on top of the liquid
level in the reservoirs.
Air bubbles
Less sensitive
More sensitive
Performance of Per-
fusion Set filters
Dry air is pumped through the fil-
Filters stay dry and perfor-
mance loss is not likely.
Humid air is pumped through the
filters. Permeability loss of filters
may occur.
in vivo
Can barely be found
in vivo
Instruction Manual
Version 2.6 (May 12, 2022)