Qscan User’s Guide Version 1.4
Proximity and iClass Input, Format # 3 Mask, Part 2*
X059 p3 ll3 p4 ll4 p5 ll5
start position
00=ll3 is a constant
length or constant
start position
00=ll4 is a constant
length or constant
start position
00=ll5 is a constant
length or constant
All parameters have the same usage as the prior command.
* added to firmware 5/22/13
Programming for Prox and iClass reading
Qscan can read proximity and iClass cards up to 250 bits in length. Prox and
iClass card data can be passed through directly to the output (if the Qscan
has wiegand output), or processed directly by the Qscan. If processed directly
by the Qscan, the card format(s) need to be programmed into the Qscan so
that it can correctly read the card. This involves programming the starting bit
location and number of bits for each field to be processed from the card, and
the number of digits to reserve for each of the fields.
Three prox/iClass formats can be programmed into the Qscan. Each format
is identified by the number of bits defined in the format. When a card is read
that matches the bit count defined in the format - that format is used by
the Qscan to further process the data. When processing the format, Qscan
will interpret the data on the card to produce the proper numeric value(s).
The maximum size of the allowable numeric values is defined by the sc,ic,uc
parameters. If the card data is too large to fit into any of the defined fields,
the card is ignored.
Example programming Prox input Format # 1 for a standard 26 bit input:
X048 026 002 08 0 010 16 0
X049 000 00 0 03 05 00
In the above example, the format is set up for 26 bits, with the site code
starting at bit 2 for a length of 8 bits. Site code data on the card is msb. The
id starts at bit position 10 and is a length of 16 bits, also msb. The second