It is recommended to install air vents to prevent air accumulation.
The installation of automatic filling valves in closed primary heating circuits is not recommended, as it may
lead to re-oxygenation in the system. In the case of combined systems, potential oxygen supply parts of the
system must be isolated from the primary circuit or materials must be used to prevent oxygen supply.
It is obligatory to install a water meter in the primary closed heating circuits to check that there are no
renewals above the values allowed by the standard.
Only original manufacturer's components may be used as spare parts.
This is an indicative layout. It is never a substitute for an expert's project.
Make sure that the hoses and couplings of the system are watertight.
Check all connections of the accumulator for tightness and closure. All connections that are not to be used
must be properly plugged.
Proceed with the flushing of the pipelines according to DIN 1988.
Fill the puffer tank and drain it.
Fill the heating circuit according to VDI 2035 standard, Purge and increase the operating pressure. Do not
exceed the maximum operating pressure indicated on the label of the buffer tank.
Check the tightness of the connections at working pressure.
Verify the activation pressure of the safety valve and check its functionality.
Refill the circuits if necessary after purging and check for leaks and operation.