ibaFOB-io-ExpressCard Manual
Used symbols
If safety instructions or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
The non-observance of this safety information may result in an imminent risk of death
or severe injury:
By an electric shock!
Due to the improper handling of software products which are coupled to input and
output procedures with control function!
The non-observance of this safety information may result in a potential risk of death or
severe injury!
The non-observance of this safety information may result in a potential risk of injury or
material damage!
A note specifies special requirements or actions to be observed.
Important note
Note if some special features must be observed, for example exceptions from the rule.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider tip to make the work a little bit easier.
Other documentation
Reference to additional documentation or further reading.
Issue 1.2