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Malfunctions and remedies

The appliance isn’t working at all?

 Check that:

- The power system is working.

- The thermostat is not in position (0) stop.

- The power cable isn’t broken.

- The plug is properly inserted in the power outlet

The internal temperature is not satisfactory?

 Check that:

- The perfect closing of the glass covers.

- The temperature setting.

- The unit is not placed too close to any heating source.

- Behind the cabinet air can properly circulate.

The internal temperature is too low?

 Check that:

- The thermostat position.

The unit is noisy?

 Check that:

- The unit is placed on an even surface.

The following events are to be considered normal:

 The outside of the casing is hot (this happens 

on purpose to avoid maintenance on the condenser). Clicking sounds, due to connection and discon


nection of the compressor. Gurgling and/or creaking noises coming from the machine: this is caused 

by circulating cooling liquid.

Temperature setting

Each refrigerating appliance is provided with a thermostat for automatic maintenance of the appropriate 

preestablished temperature inside the tank. 

This temperature adjuster is gauged by the factory and should not be touched by the user. Only if the 

average internal temperature is too cold or not cold enough should the knob turned.






1) Thermostat

2) Supply line led alight: appliance connected

3) Thermometer




Assistance service

Before contacting the Assistance Service:

Verify if you can solve the malfunction problems by yourself (refer to the malfunction guide). 

Restart the machine to make sure that the problem is solved. Should the problem persist or not be 

solved, contact the Assistance Service and state the following data:

Type of malfunction.

The machine’s make.

The machine’s identification number.

Your complete address.

Содержание BRAVO 130


Страница 2: ...2...

Страница 3: ...ecchio Pag 4 Installazione Pag 5 Informazioni relative all ambiente Pag 5 Manutenzione e pulizia Pag 5 Suggerimenti per il risparmio energetico Pag 6 Sbrinamento dell apparecchio Pag 6 Guida ricerca g...

Страница 4: ...ate sempre il libretto d istruzione in caso di cessione dell apparecchio consegnatelo al nuovo proprietario per eventuali consultazioni future Questo apparecchio non va installato all aperto nemmeno s...

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Страница 7: ...nserimento e al disinserimento del compressore Gorgoglii scricchiolii provenienti dall apparecchio il fluido refrigerante in circolazione Regolazione temperatura Questo apparecchio frigorifero equipag...

Страница 8: ...Before using the appliance Pag 9 Installation Pag 10 Environmental information Pag 10 Maintenance and cleaning Pag 10 Energy saving Pag 11 Defrosting Pag 11 Malfunctions and remedies Pag 12 Assistanc...

Страница 9: ...s keep the instruction manual and if you sell the equipment hand it over to the new owner This machine must not be installed outdoors even if the installation location is covered by a canopy and or a...

Страница 10: ...s urban waste It must be taken to a special local authority differentiated waste collection centre or to a dealer providing this service Disposing of a household appliance separately avoids possible n...

Страница 11: ...excessively cold adjustments are useless to preserve foodstuff and energy consumption increases by 10 15 On maximum cold positions with high room temperatures and with a great quantity of food the ma...

Страница 12: ...he compressor Gurgling and or creaking noises coming from the machine this is caused by circulating cooling liquid Temperature setting Each refrigerating appliance is provided with a thermostat for au...

Страница 13: ...utiliser l appareil Pag 14 Installation Pag 15 Informations relatives a l environnement Pag 15 Entretien et nettoyage Pag 15 conomies d nergie Pag 16 Degivrage de l appareil Pag 16 Depannage Pag 17 S...

Страница 14: ...conserver le manuel d instructions et en cas de vente de l appareil remettez ce manuel au nouveau propri taire Cet appareil ne doit pas tre install en plein air m me si l espace est abrit par un auven...

Страница 15: de collecte s lective pr vus par l administration communale ou aupr s des revendeurs assurant ce service liminer s par ment un appareil lectrom nager permet d viter les retomb es n gatives pour l e...

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Страница 17: ...enchement et l arr t du compresseur Gargouillis craquements provenant de l appareil il s agit du liquide de r frig ration qui est en circulation R glage de la temp rature Chaque appareil frigorifique...

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Страница 20: ...ungen auf die Umwelt und die menschliche Gesundheit die durch eine nicht vorchriftsm ssige Entsorgung bedingt sind Zudem erm glicht wird die Wiederverwertung der Materialen aus denen sich das Ger t zu...

Страница 21: ...eraturen und einer gro en Menge an Lebensmitteln kann es sein dass das Konservierger t im Dauerbetrieb arbeitet und sich daher Reif oder Eis an den W nden bilden In diesem Fall das Thermostat auf eine...

Страница 22: ...iffe am Kondensierger t zu vermeiden Ruckartiger Be trieb durch das Ein und Ausschalten des Kompressors bedingt Glucker und Knackger usche ent stehen durch das Zirkulieren der K hlfl ssigkeit Temperat...

Страница 23: ...Installaci n Pag 25 Informaciones referentes al medioambiente Pag 25 Mantenimiento y limpieza Pag 25 Para limitar los consumos el ctricos Pag 26 Descongelaci n del aparato Pag 26 Busqueda y reparaci...

Страница 24: ...o Antes de utilizar el aparato Conservar siempre el manual de instrucciones y en caso de venta del aparato entregarlo al nuevo proprietario Este aparato no se tiene que instalar al externo ni siquiera...

Страница 25: ...da dispuestos por las administraciones municipales o a distribuidores que facilitan este servicio Eliminar por separado un electro dom stico significa evitar posibles consecuencias negativas para el m...

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