Each device is packed in individual package according to the supply package as indicated in Table 1.
Device moving in the package is not allowed.
Packed devices are placed into shipping containers - a corrugated fiberboard box (State Standard 22637).
Packaged devices can be transported by vehicle or railway in covered trucks or containers, by air in
pressurized compartments.
During transportation packed packages should be protected from precipitation and direct sunrays.
Transportation conditions:
- Surrounding air temperature: from -50 up to 50
- Relative humidity up to 95 % at 25
- Atmospheric pressure from 84 up to 107 kPa (630 - 800 mmHg)
Shock acceleration peak value is up to 147 m/s2 (15 g), with a duration of shock acceleration 10 ... 15 ms
The requirements on warning signs must be strictly obeyed when loading and transportation
Spy cameras detector "Bughunter TM dVideo – economy" INTK.
201219.003 RE
Serial number ____________________
Manufacture date ____________________
Manufactured and accepted in accordance with the applicable technical documentation and validated.
Quality Department stamp ___________________
The manufacturer guarantees that the device is manufactured in accordance to INTK.
201219.002 provided
the operation, storage and transportation conditions are observed. Conditions are specified in the operational
6.2 Effective device duration period — not less than 5 years
6.3 Manufacturer warranty - 12 months from the date of purchase.
6.4 If the device fails during the warranty period, the supplier (manufacturer or companies providing
maintenance services) should replace or repair it at its own expense.
6.5 Customer loses the right to obtain warranty service in the following cases:
- After warranty term expiration
- Violation of the operation, transportation and storage instructions
- Mechanical damages causing device failure after the purchase
- Manufacturer sealing is broken
6.6 Repair and maintenance of devices with an expired warranty period is covered at the customer’s expense
Manufacturer's technical support:
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