Receive an Alert Call
The radio alerts with the customized tone when receiving an alert call. The text “Call
Received” and predefined name/Caller ID are displayed alternatively on the LCD before
you respond.
Press the PTT key to respond and stop the alert tone. Press any key other than the PTT
key to delete the information on LCD after exiting the call wait mode.
Radio Check
This feature allows you to determine whether a radio is in the range that may cause any
interference to local radio users. Radio check also works when trying to send a selective
call or when call alert fails (need signalling protocol support).
To execute a radio check:
1. Press or shortcut key “SelCall” to enter menu mode (the channel should be
defined with HDC1200).
2. Press
key to find in the menu and press
to select.
3. Press
key to select your required ID in call list or enter your required ID
number with numeric keypad (for keypad type model only).
4. Press the PTT key to send and is displayed on the screen.
5. appears when the radio check is received while
appears when radio check is not received
Radio Kill/Revive
Your radio is endowed with a safe-added feature, which allows the radio to be disabled
when a stun signalling is received from a base station.
This feature is applied when:
The radio is stolen,
Your vehicle is under maintenance
Note: when your radio is disabled by the base station, all the keys are disabled except
power on/off keys. The radio can be revived only by receiving a revive signalling from
base station. Radio status information before stun is displayed when radio is re-powered
Please contact your dealer for more details about the programmable keys
Radio Check
No Acknowledge