Icon Information
The following icons are available through this manual:
indicates situations that could cause
damage to your radio.
indicates tips that can help you make
better use of your radio.
Term Explanation
The following terms will appear through this manual:
Key Operation
Short press: to press a key and release it quickly.
Long press: to press the key and remain holding it down
for a predefined period.
Hold down: to press a key and remain holding it down.
PTT ID, namely radio identity, allows a radio with display
and the control center to identify the calling party.
This technology can remove excessive background
noises, improving your communication quality.
Individual Call
Individual call is a call initiated by a single user to another
user, involving the calling party and the called party only.
Group Call
Group call is a call initiated by a single user to a group,
involving the calling party and all the group members.
Copyright Information
Hytera and HYT are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Hytera in the PRC and other countries and/or areas.
Hytera retains the ownership of its trademarks and
product names. All other trademarks and/or product
names that may be used in this manual are properties of
their respective owners.
The Hytera product described in this manual may include
Hytera computer programs stored in memory or other
media. Laws in the PRC and/or other countries or areas
preserve for Hytera exclusive rights for Hytera computer
programs. The purchase of this product shall not be
deemed to grant, either directly or by implication, any
rights to the purchaser with respect to Hytera computer
programs. Any Hytera computer programs may not be
copied, modified, distributed, decompiled, or reverse-
engineered in any manner without the prior written
consent of Hytera.