(Weight and Load Center)
The capacity of the lift truck is shown on the Nameplate.
The capacity is listed in terms of weight and load center.
The weight is specified in kilograms and pounds. The load
center is specified in millimeters and inches. The capacity is
the maximum load that the lift truck can handle for the load
condition shown on the Nameplate.
The load center of a load is determined by the location of its
center of gravity. The load center is measured from the front
face of the forks, or the load face of an attachment, to the
center of gravity of the load. Both the vertical and horizontal
load centers are specified on the Nameplate.
For carriages or attachments that can be sideshifted, the
Nameplate specifies capacities in the “Centered” and “Side-
shifted” conditions. Capacities listed under “Centered” on
the Nameplate apply when transporting loads that are cen-
tered on the centerline of the lift truck. Capacities listed un-
der “Sideshifted” on the Nameplate apply if loads are trans-
ported that are not centered on the centerline of the lift
truck. Loads should be transported while centered on the
centerline of the lift truck.
The operator must know whether or not a load is within the
maximum capacity of the lift truck before the load is han-
Checks With the
Engine Stopped
Inspect the lift truck before use and every eight hours or
daily as described in the MAINTENANCE section of this
Before using the lift truck, make the following checks:
Fuel level (if the lift truck has a diesel engine, drain
water from the primary filter).
Electrolyte level of the battery (unless maintenance
Property of American Airlines