CG Truck
Combined CG
CG Load
The lift truck has moving parts and therefore has a CG that
moves. The CG moves forward and back as the mast is
tilted forward and back. The CG moves up and down as the
mast moves up and down.
CG Load
CG Truck
Combined CG
The center of gravity, and therefore the stability, of the
loaded lift truck is affected by a number of factors, such as
size, weight, shape, and position of the load; the height to
which the load is raised; the amount of forward and back-
ward tilt; tire pressure; and the dynamic forces created
when the truck is moving. These dynamic forces are caused
by things like acceleration, braking, turning, and operating
on uneven surfaces or on an incline. These factors must be
considered when traveling with an unloaded truck, as well,
an unloaded truck will tip over to the side eas-
than a loaded truck with its load in the lowered position.
In order for the lift truck to be stable (not tip over forward or
to the side) the CG must stay within the area of the lift the
truck represented by a triangle drawn between the drive
wheels and the pivot of the steering axle.
CG -- Truck Will Tip Over
Drive Axle
Steering Axle
If the CG moves forward of the drive axle, the lift truck will
tip forward. If the CG moves outside of the line represented
by the lines drawn between the drive wheels and the steer-
ing axle pivot, the lift truck will tip to that side.
Property of American Airlines