HypnoSquare Instructions v 1.3, May 2009
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Step 9: Buttons
There are two buttons to place above the capacitors and inductor. Note that the buttons have an interlocking set
of nubs on their sides. Snap the two together, and insert as one into the PCB. Because the board won‟t lie flat
with the buttons when turned upside down for soldering, first solder one pin on each buttons and ensure that the
buttons are completely seated before soldering the other pins.
Figure 24: The buttons in place.
Step 10: The PIC
One last bit. Since you‟ve already soldered the socket in, it‟s just a
matter of plugging the PIC in. Just make sure you insert in the correct
orientation. The tab goes towards the edge of the PCB.
Alright, the square controller‟s finished!
Figure 25: PIC18F4620
Figure 25: PIC18F4620.
Figure 23: Momentary pushbutton.