Heat Sensor and Seal
Failure Connections:
If a HYDROMATIC control panel
is used, terminal blocks are
provided for heat sensor and seal
failure connections. (See Panel
Schematic.) If a control panel
is supplied by others, it
must allow heat sensor and seal
failure terminations.
Installing Sump Level Control
Float Controls:
In either simplex, duplex or
triplex systems the lower or
turn-off control is to be set to
maintain a minimum level in the
sump. This level shall be no more
than 3
" from the top of the
motor housing down to the
surface of the sewage.
The second, or turn-on control, is
set above the lower turn-off
control. The exact distance
between the two floats must be a
compromise between a frequent
pumping cycle (10 starts per hr.
max.) to control septicity, solids
and a slower cycle for energy
economy. This distance should be
determined by the engineer or
consulting engineer, depending on
the conditions of the application.
For installation of Hydromatic
supplied level controls refer to
your systems installation and
service manual.
Starting the Pump:
To start the pump, perform the
following steps in order:
WARNING: Keep hands and
clothing away from cutters
and impeller!
1. If pump is 3 phase, the rotation
of the impeller must first be
checked. Lift pump from
sump, lay it down, and quickly
turn pump on and then off.
The impeller should turn
counterclockwise when viewed
from the suction. If rotation
is wrong, turn off main
breaker and interchange any
two line leads to motor to
correct rotation.
If pump is piped-in permanently
and inlet cannot be observed,
rotation will have to be
checked by pump operation
described later.
If pump is single phase, no
rotation check is necessary.
2. Run water into sump until
motor is covered.
3. Open
discharge line.
4. Turn pump on. If pump runs
and sump liquid does not pump
down, stop pump and close
discharge gate valve. Then lift
pump until sealing flange
is open to vent off trapped
air. Lower pump, open
discharge valve, and start the
pump again.
5. If pump is 3 phase, piped in
permanently, and still does not
operate properly after venting,
rotation is wrong and can be
reversed by interchanging any
two line leads.
6. Level controls should be set in
accordance with “Installing
Sump Level Control Float
Controls” above.
CAUTION: Be sure ground
wire in connected to good
ground such as water pipe. This
is important for safety.
As the motors are oil filled, no
lubrication or other maintenance
is required.
If the heat sensor and seal failure
are hooked up properly, no
attention is necessary as long as
the seal failure indicator light
doesn’t come on. To ensure
continuity of the seal sensor
leads, a test light is provided on
intrinsically safe HYDROMATIC
panels as standard equipment.
Pump should be checked every
quarter for corrosion and wear.
Servicing Instructions:
directions before replacing
any parts.
WARNING: Before handling
these pumps and controls,
power first.
Do not smoke or use sparkable
electrical devices or flames in a
septic (gaseous) or possible
septic sump.
Field Service on HYDROMATIC
Explosion Proof Pumps:
If a HYDROMATIC explosion
proof pump is used in a hazardous
location, or if the pump is still in
warranty, the pump must be
returned to the factory for service
or repaired in an authorized
HYDROMATIC service center.
This will ensure the integrity of
the hazardous location rating of
the pump and comply with our
warranty requirements. Pumps
out of warranty and not used in a
hazardous location can be field