• Dim status:
- Day/Night indicates status of timer. Day means lights should be on
- > nnC or > nnF indicates that ballast is dimmed because of overtemperature condition
- mm:ss (example: 10:35) counts down during restrike delay if configured. NOTE: The restrike
delay period is configurable, and starts counting down when the power goes out (not when
the power is restored). If the power has been out longer than the restrike delay setting, the
lights will come on immediately when power is restored.
Power can be adjusted right on this screen by using Next from field to field, and Up or Down to adjust.
NOTE: Power level adjustments are “sticky,” meaning that any changes made to them are saved by
default and will return again on power-up.
A. Press Page once to get to the status display page. The cursor will be blinking under the wattage
setting for Zone A. With this setting you will determine the output level (dimming stage) at which
you wish to operate your ballasts. Press Up or Down to select your desired wattage output for this
zone (available settings are OFF, 600W, 750W, 825W, 1000W, 1050W, and 1150W, depending on
the lamp wattage).
B. Press Next once to move the cursor down to the wattage setting for Zone B. If you will not be
running lights in Zone B, set the wattage field to OFF.
C. Note that this page also displays the temperature as read by the temperature probes, the status of
the “Day” or “Night” setting for each zone, the date, and the time.
STEP 3: Set desired settings for Zone A
A. Press Page once to get to the Zone A settings
page. The cursor will be blinking under the
ballast type field. Press Up or Down to select
the wattage setting that matches the wattage
of the ballasts you will be running in this zone
(available settings are 1000W, 750W, 600W, and 400W, depending on the lamp wattage). NOTE:
If you wish, you can create a name for the zone controlled by this channel. This name can be up to
eight (8) characters in length (the default names are Zone A and Zone B on initial power-up).
B. Move the cursor to the hour field in the On time setting. Press Up or Down to select the hour of
the time you want the ballasts to turn on.
C. Move the cursor to the minutes field and select the appropriate minutes setting.
D. Move the cursor to the a.m./p.m. setting and select “a” or “p” accordingly.
E. Move the cursor to the hour field for the Off time setting. Press Up or Down to select the hour of
the time you want the ballasts to be turned off.
F. Move the cursor to the minutes field and select the appropriate minutes setting for the time you
want to ballasts to be turned off.
G. Move the cursor to the a.m./p.m. setting and select “a” or “p” accordingly.
H. Move the cursor to the temperature setting for automatic dimming on overtemperature. The
temperature that you set here will be that which, if sensed by the probe, triggers dimming of all
connected ballasts in Zone A in order to reduce the temperature of the grow environment. Be sure
to place the temp probe away from direct sunlight to ensure correct temperature readings. Always
use a shield with the temp probe.
I. Move the cursor to the Sunrise/Sunset setting (“S/R” in the display) and choose your desired
setting for the period of time during which the PX1 will increase power to the ballasts in Zone A
at the beginning of the lighting cycle from zero to full power to simulate a natural sunrise, and
decrease power to the ballasts at the end of the lighting cycle from full power to zero to simulate a
natural sunset. The settings available are 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes (0 = off).