1. Important Operational Information
To increase the life expectancy, accuracy and response of the electrode adhere to the following
operational guidelines:
1. Keep the electrode wet. Allowing the electrode to dry out will lead to slow response, erroneous
readings and damage.
2. Clean the electrode regularly
• Take care when cleaning the electrode. Never use a brush or coarse surface for cleaning.
• To clean, simply rinse the electrode with water. Blot (do not rub) with a lint-free paper towel to
remove excess moisture.
• Specially formulated cleaning solutions can be used to clean the electrode too.
• Wiping the glass can produce a static charge which interferes with the electrodes ability to
2. Important Handling Considerations
The electrodes are shipped in a cap containing a solution. The electrode should only be removed from
this solution when it is ready to be installed and used.
NOTE: If the electrode will be subject to infrequent use it should be stored in Storage Solution or in a
pH 4 bu
er solution if Storage Solution is not available. Do not store the electrode in deionized (DI)
water as this will damage the electrode.
3. Electrode Lifespan
Just like any piece of equipment, electrodes need to be replaced from time to time as regular
maintenance. As sensors age they become less responsive. The off set and slope are metrics
by which to measure the electrodes functionality. Refer to Appendix A in this document for more
The manufacturing lot number can be found on the label on the electrode. This information can be
used to determine the age of the electrode.