Select the two (2) driven elements, 3/16" x 12
1/4", marked with a single black color band
need one end of each. Also select the insulators
and pushnuts as shown in Figure 2.
Carefully slip the 3/16 inch pushnuts (item 27)
over each end of the two (2) driven elements,
and push them along each element until they
are snug against each element insulator. Check
the exposed length of each DE during this
process, to ensure the correct dimensions.
Push one of the element insulators (Item 19)
onto each Driven Element (DE) so that its
shoulder is 5 9/16" from the nearest end (as
shown in Figure 3). Insert the long end of each
DE into the driven element mounting holes on
the rear boom section, as shown in Figure 2.
NOTE: You may wish to use the short length
of tubing to help push the element insulators
and pushnuts. If you accidentally slide a
pushnut on too far, then you should cut it off
the element and try again with one of the spare
Slide another element insulator (Item 19) over
the other end of the DE's, and push it onto each
element until it seats into the mounting hole.
Recheck the exposed length of the DE's and
reposition if necessary.
Select the DE T-Bars (Item 20), and 3/16 inch
tubing clamps (Item 21), and associated
hardware. Assemble these parts to the driven
elements as shown in Figures 3 and 4. When
the coax assembly is installed later you will
decide on either LHCP or RHCP for the un-
switched polarization. See Figures 6 and 7.
Figure 2
Driven Element Location and Assembly