308 Industrial Park Road
Starkville, MS 39759 USA
P h:
(662 ) 323-9 538 F AX: (662 ) 323-
UHF 432 - 438 MHz
Satellite Antenna
The Hy-Gain Model 70-30 SAT is a high-
performance "OSCAR" (Orbiting Satellite
Carrying Amateur Radio) satellite antenna for the
432-438 MHz frequency band. It features
polarization switching circuitry for manual
selection of either Right Hand Circular
Polarization (RHCP) or Left Hand Circular
Polarization (LHCP). This flexible design is
suitable for worldwide applications with any of
the amateur satellites having either an uplink or
downlink in the 432-438 MHz frequency range
such as AO-10, FO-12, AO-13, UO-14, AO16,
LO-19, AO-21, UO-22, KO-23, etc. These include
modes B, J, JA, JD, JL, L and S.
The 70-30 SAT antenna features 30 elements (to-
tal) on a 4.2 wavelength boom. Each set of 15
elements is designed to give 14.0 dBd gain based
upon the NBS Tech Note 688. The 70-30 SAT
also features high efficiency "Delta" matched
driven elements for easy assembly and rugged
durability. True RF 50 ohm switching relays are
rated at 200 watts and contribute to improved
VSWR. Feed points are encapsulated for long life
in all types of climates.
Most hardware is stainless steel including the ele-
ment pushnuts. All insulators are UV protected.
The coaxial assemblies are made from high-qual-
ity Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) dielectric and
Fluorinated Propylene (FEP) jacketed coax cable.
The 70-30 SAT "OSCAR" antenna can be used
with the Hy-Gain 216 SAT 2-meter "OSCAR"
antenna and the 217S fiberglass 5 foot boom, or it
can be used with other commercial or homebrew
"OSCAR" antennas. The 70-30 SAT antennas may
be stacked for more gain.
use the Metric System, see the American-to- Met-
ric Conversion Table in the rear of this manual.
Most illustrations in this manual will provide both
American and Metric Dimensions.
Choose a moderate-sized clear area to assemble
the 70-30 SAT Oscar Beam. The area must be at
least 24" x 63" for each boom section.
Boom Length ...................................................................................................134 in. (340.4 cm)
Maximum Boom O.D. ....................................................................................1.125 in (28.6 mm)
Turning Radius (Max).......................................................................................71.25 in (181 cm)
Total Number of Elements ......................................................................................................30
Longest Element .....................................................................................................13 in. (33 cm)
Wind Survival ..............................................................................................80 mph (128.7 km/h)
Mast/Boom Diameter Accepted ..............................................1.250 - 1.625 in (32 mm - 41 mm)
Wind Area ................................................................:............................. 0.75 sq. ft. (.0697 sq. m)
Net Weight ................................................................................................... 4 lbs 14 oz (2.21 kg)
Stacking Distance (Min) ......................................................46 inches (1.17m) (1.7 wavelengths)