When excited "out of phase" these same verti-
cals can be made to give an "end fire" or bi-
directional pattern in the opposite direction
through the plane of the verticals. This then
nulls out signals in the opposite directions.
More gain is exhibited by the broadside
pattern over the "end fire" arrangement, but
the "end fire" arrangement offers a wider
frontal pattern.
Both arrangements offer an excellent ad-
vantage over a single vertical since either
phasing combination exhibits noticeable
signal gain with side attenuation of undesired
signals. This added gain and low angle
vertical directivity is the advantage of the
phased array.
Phased verticals may be spaced either one
quarter wave or one half wave depending
upon gain and directional characteristics. The
nulls of the phased array are extremely sharp
and very pronounced. Typical arrangements of
phased arrays and their electrical
specifications are illustrated below.