308 Industrial Park
Starkville, MS 39759 USA
(662) 323-9538 FAX: (662) 323-6551
Triband HF Vertical
10, 15, 20-Meter
General Description
This vertical antenna is designed for operation
on 10, 15 and 20 meters. It is designed to
work against earth ground or a radial ground
system. When used in conjunction with a
resonant radial system, the vertical antenna
becomes very efficient with a low angle of
radiation and excels in DX communications.
A simulated radial ground system (Model 14
RMQ, Order No. 184) is available from your
Hy-Gain dealer. This manual tells you how to
construct your own radial system. The
12AVQ-S now features stainless steel
hardware for all electrical and most
mechanical connections.
NOTE: If you mount the antenna, then find the
roof space is too small for the radial system,
you can droop the radials over the roof at
almost any angle without seriously changing
the performance of the antenna.
When installing your system, take extreme
care to avoid any accidental contact with
power lines or overhead obstructions.
Failure to excise this care could result in
serious or fatal injury.
It is designed to fit a 15/8" mast. A 11/4"
plumbers pipe has a 1 5/8" outside diameter
and is highly recommended for masting
material. This is the-- minimum roasting
material which will meet the severe weather
survival specifications of this antenna. The
warranty, is void if a lighter mast is used.
The Model 12AVQ-S is made of high quality
seamless aluminum tubing for maximum
strength. The Hy-Q traps are durable and
highly weather resistant.