TE 250 - 310 2012 I.E. / TE 250 - 310 2012 I.E. USA
TC 250 2012 - TC 250 2012 I.E. USA
TXC 250 - 310 2012 I.E. USA
Workshop Manual Ed. 12-2011
Chain lubrication
Lubricate the chain following these instructions.
Never use grease to lubricate the chain. Grease helps to accumulate
dust and mud, which act as abrasive and help to rapidly wear out
the chain, the front and rear sprockets.
Disassembling and cleaning
When particularly dirty, remove and clean the chain before lubrication. Proceed as follows:
- Set a stand or a block under the engine and see that the rear wheel is lifted
from the ground.
- Remove: screws (1), sprocket guard (2), clip (3), master link (4) and chain
(5). To reassemble, reverse the above procedure.
Make sure that the chain is neither worn out nor damaged. If the rollers or the
links are damaged, replace the chain by following the instructions given in the
Scheduled Maintenance Chart. Ensure that the sprockets are not damaged.
Wash and clean the chain as described hereunder.
Washing a chain without O-rings (TC)
Wash using petroleum or naphtha. If you use fuel or especially trichloroethylene,
dry and lubricate the chain to avoid oxidisation.
Lubricating a chain without O-rings (TC)
After drying, dip the chain in Molybdenum Disulphide chain lubricant, if possible,
or in warm high-viscosity engine oil (if warmed up, oil will be more fluid).
As an alternative, you can use suitable spray lubricants.
Washing the chain with OR (TE - TXC)
Wash using oil, diesel oil, or paraffin oil. Never use gasoline, tricloroetilene, or
solvents, as the OR may suffer damages.
Use instead special sprays for chains with OR.
Lubricating an O-ring chain
Lubricate all metallic and rubber (O-ring) elements using a brush and engine oil
with SAE 80-90 viscosity, inside and outside parts.
Assemble the master link clip (3) by setting the closed side facing the chain
direction of rotation, as shown in the figure.
The master link is the most critical safety part in the drive chain. Even
if the master links are reusable when in good conditions, for safety
purposes we advise using a new master link when reassembling
the chain.
Accurately adjust the chain as described on page D.18.
The chain lubricant shall NEVER get in contact with the tyres or the
rear brake disc.
Chain guide roller, chain guide roller, chain guide, chain slider
Check the wear of the above-mentioned elements and replace them
when necessary.
Check the chain guide alignment, and remember that a bent element
can cause chain early wear. In this case, chain might unwrap from
the sprocket.