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Repair instructions
Fit the carburettor. Screw in the carburettor bolts
directly from behind, without lifting the carburettor
assembly. Tighten to a torque of 1–1.5 Nm. It is
important to hold the carburettor flange while
tightening the bolts to prevent the inlet manifold
from moving.
Push the rear carburettor mounting into its rubber
bushing using a small screwdriver. Remove stop
plate 502 54 17-01.
Connect the fuel hose to the carburettor. Refit the
throttle pushrod at the same time as the rubber
inlet manifold, press in the throttle pushrod so that
it engages in the carburettor and fit the spring.
Connect the leads to the stop switch.
Then refit:
• cooling plate
• gasket
• silencer, tighten bolts to a torque of 12–14 Nm
• silencer support, tighten bolts to a torque of 8–
10 Nm
• bark rest, tighten bolts to a torque of 8–10 Nm
• HT lead
• air filter
• cylinder cover
After pressure testing, re-tighten the silencer bolts
to a torque of 8–10 Nm.