Before start working observe the tree and select the
optimum branches to be hooked , the best branches to
be hooked are the once that are flexible and able to
transmit the vibration more efficency in the area where
fruits are taken.
When you have sele cted the branch to b e vibrated,
hook the selected branch making sure that the shaft
is perpendicular with the branch to avoid possible
movement of the hook on the surface of the branch.
When the hook is fi rmly se cured on the branch , Hang
the machine be tween the branch and the harne ss.
When the ma chine is hanging, make a slight press ure
in the left hamdle in order to avoid accidental release or
accidental kick back of the hook .
During the harves ting fruits of a relevant size and
weight can hit the user and can be harmful if it is
necessary take the preventive actions needed to
The mechanical parts of the machine can be affected
during the harvesting, if the harvested branch is not
flexible enough, this branches can cause a backward
movement causing an unbalance of the machine.
According to the morphology of the branch it is
possible to observe that the hook can be drived out
from the branch when it’s hooked from the superior
part. I n this situation the branch must be hooked for
lower part.
The most ideal labor with the machine is obtained by
1 or 2 acceleration process with a maximum duration
of 5 or 6 seconds. Once
this operation is done it is
recomended to change the branch, with this process
the vibration frequency will be modified and as a
consequence the result of the harvesting procedure
will be improved. Acceleration times superior of
5 or 6 se conds will damage the surface of the branch.
There is no increase on the productivity if we keep
the machine with full gas at the same branch and in
the same point. In order to obtain a better
performance it is necessary to go throught he whole
different speed of the engine and change the
position of the hook different times.
With this proced we will get a maximum productivity
of the machine, and the branck and it’s surfface will
not be damage .
avoid injuries to the final user.