With Hurom’s own Slow Squeezing Technology and the Juice Cap as an additional mixing function,
you can easily make personalized juice in rich tastes and flavors in full preserved valuable nutrients.
1. Much More Nutrients and Taste: Your own personalized juice
Various mixed juice
Not only enjoying single fruit juice but also adding various ingredients to your taste and health, you can simply make
your own HUROM juice.
Hurom juice as an alternative meal
Make Hurom juice as an alternative meal in rich taste and balanced nutrients by mixing banana, corn or boiled potato,
sweet potato and pumkin, etc. supplementing calories with essential nutrients.
Hurom baby food
Mixing grain and vegetables with proper amount of water, you can easily make Hurom baby food for growth phases.
Soybean milk and soy juice
Unlike the traditional method that you must put boiled beans and water together, adjusting its portion while the Juice
cap is closed, anyone can easily make soybean milk and soy juice in desired concentration.
2. Much More Convenient and User Friendly
Opening and closing the juice cap, you can adjust the amount of juice as desired without any drops when you pour
juice into a container.
3. Much More Advanced Easy Cleaning System (Page 17)
Unlike the method rinsing under tap, it is easier and simpler with the Juice cap. Just fill up the chamber with water while
the Juice cap is closed and then operate the appliance for easy washing.
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