HUAWEI G525-U00 Smartphone FAQs
2 Common settings
Issue 01 (2013-6-1418)
Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd..
2.4.2 Does my phone support Wi-Fi?
Yes. Your phone supports 802.11b/g/n.
2.4.3 My phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network but I cannot
open web pages sometimes. Why?
Possible causes are as follows:
The Wi-Fi network is not connected to the Internet.
The digital subscriber line (DSL) connection failed.
A domain name service (DNS) problem occurred. In this case, web pages cannot be
opened, but you may still log in to Facebook. Attempt to log in to Facebook to verify that
this may be the problem.
The websites that the Wi-Fi hotspot can access are restricted.
Your phone is faulty.
2.4.4 I have turned on my phone's Wi-Fi, but it cannot detect
Wi-Fi signals from a wireless router like other devices. What can I
Check that the wireless router's service set identifier (SSID) is not hidden.
Move your phone to the coverage area of the wireless router.
Turn Wi-Fi off, and then turn it on again.
Restart your phone.
2.4.5 How do I know whether my phone is using its mobile data
connection or a Wi-Fi connection to access the Internet?
Once connected to a Wi-Fi network, your phone uses the Wi-Fi network to access the Internet.
The icon
in the notification bar indicates that your phone is connected to a Wi-Fi