Device Installation/ 设备安装
A. Device Installation Requirements/ 设备安装要求
Requirements for Installation Locations of Checkpoint camera:
• Ensure that all roads within the 50-meter scope in front of the camera are straight and there are no junctions so that the camera directly faces the head or rear of vehicles for snapshot taking.
点位前 50米范围道路为直线,没有分岔路口,保证抓拍图片车头或车尾正对摄像机。
• Ensure that there are no junctions within the 50-meter scope behind the camera to prevent situations when the camera cannot take snapshots of license plates due to vehicle queuing.
建议避免点位后 50米范围内存在分岔路,避免因车辆分流导致车辆排队而引起摄像机无法拍摄到后车车牌的情形。
• Ensure that there are no traffic lights within the 200-meter scope around the camera to prevent situations when the camera cannot take snapshots of license plates due to vehicle queuing or following.
建议点位前后 200米内不要有交通信号灯,车辆排队或跟车情况容易导致摄像机无法拍摄到后车车牌。
• Install the camera in a place where there are fewer lanes. Some cameras are installed at intersections where there are multiple lanes for scattering vehicles with different driving directions. Move these cameras to places that
are far away from the intersections and have fewer lanes to facilitate snapshot taking and license plate recognition.
• Cameras must be fixed to cope with the interference caused by special weather (strong wind) or normal vibration (caused by nearby vehicles) to the image stability.
• In roadside installation mode, the camera installation location must be about 1 m away from the roadside (the deviation range is ±0.5 m). If a camera is installed in the middle of the road, ensure that the camera is installed
in the center of the road.
若使用道路侧装方式,摄像机安装位置距离道路侧边应在 1m左右(偏差范围为 ±0.5m);若使用道路中间装的方式,则应确保相机安装在道路中央。
Requirements for Installation Height and Distance:
• Cameras must be installed at a height of 6±0.5 m.
摄像机的安装高度 H应在 6±0.5米之间。
• The distance (X) is recommended to be around 23–25 m.
摄像机的安装横向距离 X推荐在 23米至 25米之间。
• The distance of detection and recognition area L must be longer than 15 m.
摄像机的识别和抓拍区域的长度 L应大于 15米。
The installation location, height, and angle of the camera can directly affect the accuracy of traffic surveillance functions such as license plate recognition. The installation requirements
below are for references, should be optimized based on real situation.
For specific camera installation requirements, please log on to the http://support.huawei.com/enterprise website to get the
Huawei SDC ePolice Camera
Huawei SDC Standard
Checkpoint Camera
网站,获取《华为 SDC 电警摄像机专题》和《华为 SDC 标准卡口摄像机专题》文档。
Use the SiMS tool to perform site survey planning, batch upgrade, batch parameter setting, and maintenance for cameras. To obtain the SiMS tool, visit http://support.huawei.com/
enterprise and enter SDC iMS in the search box.
可使用 SiMS工具对摄像机进行工勘规划、批量升级、批量参数配置和维护。请登录
网站,在搜索栏输入“SDC iMS”搜索获取该工具。
The camera supports the GPS function. If the GPS function is required, you need to install the camera
and ensure that the camera is free of obstacles above to improve the positioning accuracy.
本款摄像机支持GPS 定位功能,如果需要使用到GPS 功能,为了确保GPS 效果,需将摄像机安装在室外,且摄
NOTE/ 说明