After climbing up to the tower, installation engineer A secures the fixed pulley to the tower
platform support and leads the lifting sling through the fixed pulley.
Installation engineer C binds the RRU and mounting kits using the lifting sling and secures
the traction sling to the RRU handle.
Installation engineer B pulls the lifting sling downwards, and installation engineer C pulls
the traction sling outwards to protect the RRU and mounting kits from colliding with the
Installation engineer A catches the RRU and mounting kits and then unties the sling.
The procedure for hoisting the RRU and mounting kits onto the tower is for your reference only.
6.2 Hoisting Fiber Optic Cables onto a Tower
This section describes the procedure for hoisting fiber optic cables onto a tower and the
precautions that must be taken.
Cabling requirements for power cables are met. For details, see
Step 1
Lead one sling through the stretch sling of the fiber optic cables and use the sling as a lifting
sling, and use the other sling as a traction sling to secure the cables 4 m (13.12 ft.) away from
the lifting sling, as shown in
Figure 6-5
Binding fiber optic cables
(1) Lifting sling
(2) Stretch sling
(3) Traction sling
Installation Guide
6 Hoisting an RRU and Related Cables onto a Tower
Issue 06 (2012-04-16)
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