Installation Manual
Quidway S3526 Ethernet Switch
Chapter 6 BootROM and Host Software Loading
Step 2: Load BootROM.
<Quidway> boot bootrom SWITCH.btm
please wait ...
Bootrom is updated!
Step 3: Load the host software.
<Quidway> boot boot-loader
<Quidway> display boot-loader
The app to boot at the next time is: flash:/
<Quidway> reboot (Please make sure that you have saved other configurations before
rebooting, otherwise, they might not survive a reboot.)
BootROM and host software loading is completed now. Please note that you must
reboot the switch to validate host software downloading. If Flash memory space is not
enough, you can delete some of the program files in Flash after completing the
BootROM loading. (You are recommended to delete the host program that is no longer
in use.) Then upload the host program to the switch using FTP. Please note that
power-off must be prevented during loading process.
6.3.2 Remote Loading Using TFTP
Using TFTP is similar to using FTP in remote loading. The only difference is that it is
TFTP that you use when loading software to the switch. In this case, the switch can only
be used as a TFTP client to download the software to its Flash memory from the TFTP
server. The remaining steps after downloading are the same as those of remote loading
using FTP.
6.4 Dealing with Load Failure
If loading fails, the original version will remain in the system.
In this case, check that the physical ports are correctly and well connected. If they are
not, reconnect them correctly and restart loading procedures.
If there are no problems with the physical connections, please carefully check
information about the loading procedures for input errors on the HyperTerminal.
1) When using XModem, check that you have reset the baud rate of the
HyperTerminal to 9600bps after loading the software with a baud rate other than
9600 bps;
When using TFTP, check that you have provided:
Correct server and switch IP addresses;
Correct name of the software to be loaded;