display ipv6 routing-table 2001:db8:2::2 verbose
Routing Table :
Summary Count : 1
Destination : 2001:db8:2::2 PrefixLength : 128
NextHop : FE80::2E0:52FF:FE10:8100 Preference : 10
Neighbour : 202:202:: ProcessID : 1
Label : NULL Protocol : OSPFv3
State : Active Adv Cost : 2
Entry ID : 267337828 EntryFlags : 0x80002100
Reference Cnt: 2 Tag : 1
Priority : medium Age : 8sec
IndirectID : 0x0
RelayNextHop : :: TunnelID : 0x0
Interface : GigabitEthernet1/0/0 Flags : D
BkNextHop :
BkInterface :
BkLabel : NULL BkTunnelID : 0x0
BkPETunnelID : 0x0 BkIndirectID : 0x0
1.6 Configuring VRRP for Direct Routes
If VRRP for direct routes is configured on a master device of an IPv4 network, the master device
effectively diagnoses a link fault, improving the security of the IPv4 network.
1.6.1 Before You Start
Before configuring VRRP for direct routes, familiarize yourself with the usage scenario,
complete the pre-configuration tasks, and obtain data. This can help you complete the
configuration task quickly and accurately.
Applicable Environment
As the Internet develops, the demand for higher reliability is increasing. To help LAN users
access the Internet at any time, the VRRP provides reliability for LAN hosts.
On an IP RAN enabled with VRRP, if a UPE recovers from a fault, its interface connected to
the RSG goes Up and generates a direct route, allowing a traffic switchback. As the UPE does
not learn the RSG's MAC address, the UPE fails to switch back some packets. To help prevent
the problem, the direct route has to be generated after the VRRP status changes to Master. If
VRRP for direct routes is configured, the UPE adjusts the direct route's cost based on the VRRP
status. This allows the UPE to perform a successful traffic switchback if recovering from a fault.
For detailed configurations of an IP RAN, see the section "IP RAN Configuration" in the
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router Configuration Guide - VPN
Pre-configuration Tasks
Before configuring VRRP for direct routes, complete the following task:
Configuring parameters for a data link layer protocol and IP addresses for interfaces to
ensure that the data link layer protocol on the interfaces is Up
Data Preparation
To configure VRRP for direct routes, you need the following data.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - IP Routing
1 IP Routing Basic Configuration
Issue 02 (2014-09-30)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.