Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the
changes made in earlier issues.
Issue 09 (2019-05-15)
This issue is the ninth official release.
Added the feature of SmartMigration for file services.
Updated specifications.
Issue 08 (2018-12-06)
This issue is the eighth official release. The updates are as follows:
Added the 1288H V5 quorum server.
Optimized the description in this document.
Issue 07 (2018-07-30)
This issue is the seventh official release. The updates are as follows:
Made minor changes in specifications.
Issue 06 (2018-05-09)
This issue is the sixth official release. The updates are as follows:
Made minor changes in specifications.
Issue 05 (2018-01-30)
This issue is the fifth official release. The updates are as follows:
Made minor changes in specifications.
Issue 04 (2017-11-30)
This issue is the fourth official release. The updates are as follows:
Made minor changes in specifications.
Issue 03 (2017-08-30)
This issue is the third official release. The updates are as follows:
Made some changes in specifications.
OceanStor 2600 V3
Product Description
About This Document
Issue 09 (2019-05-15)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.