– The driver protocol of IPC6325 and C3220 cameras is HWSDK.
– The IP address segment indicates the start and end IP addresses of cameras.
5. You can use IP Address and Vendor to filter the required cameras in the
camera search result and select the required cameras. Alternatively, you can
directly select the required cameras in the camera list. Then verify accounts.
The default password of the HWSDK protocol is HuaWei123.
Figure 4-34 Verifying accounts
If there are multiple IVS1800s for multiple smart modules, you are advised to evenly
distribute the cameras to each IVS1800.
6. Select the cameras to be added and click Next.
7. Click Finish.
8. Preview live video. On the iClient home page, click Live and drag a camera to
the live video pane. If the live video can be properly played, the camera is
successfully connected.
Step 3 Configure a recording policy.
1. Select Local mode to log in to the iClient. On the home page, click Device
2. Right-click an IVS1800 and choose Storage Management.
IVS1800 Video Management System
User Manual
4 Commissioning the IVS1800
Issue 02 (2021-01-27)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.