Conference set HT‐6800/HT‐9100 User manual
This conference set control sound but also video. The built-in displays of mic is used to show videos from video devices ( as DVD player or mp4
player ) but also video from cameras or domes.
You can display in real time the person who talk during the conference. This function is called auto-track function.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Please find an example :
This system is composed of 4 mics ( 1 chairman and 3 delegates ).
The video is porvided by a dome connected and controled by the main
unit HT-6800.
The main unit is conneted to an external video screen.
When the chairman mic 1 switch his mic on, the dome will be moved
directly on him so the chairman is display on all the mic touch screen
and on the video screen. ( figure 1 )
When the delegate mic 2 switch his mic on, the dome will be moved
directly on him so the delegate mic 2 is display on all the mic touch
screen and on the video screen. ( figure 2 )
When the delegate mic 3 switch his mic on, the dome will be moved
directly on him so the delegate mic 3 is display on all the mic touch
screen and on the video screen. ( figure 3 )