User Manual Digital Shredder
Figure 30. Software Update Screen
Insert the USB drive into the USB port on the back of the
Digital Shredder. Upon insertion, the new version of the
software (as well as any older versions stored on the
drive) should be displayed. Highlight the version to be
installed and select the “UPDATE” option to begin the
update procedure. Note that the UPDATE option is only
enabled when a valid update version is present on the
USB drive.
If a prior Update operation has created a backup copy of
the prior software version or a user request was made to
create a backup copy, this backup must be removed so the
update can proceed. If you get the following error
“Cannot do update while backups exist. Would you like to
remove backups?” select “OK”. To abort, select “CANCEL.”
After removing backups, you will return to the Software
Update screen where you can resume the Update process.
Figure 31. Software Backup Screen
The upgrade process will result in a reboot of the Digital
Shredder to load the new application. Be sure that all
drive bays are empty before updating the Digital Shredder.
The update process automatically creates a backup of the
current version so that the prior version can be restored if
necessary. To restore a previous software version, select
the “Restore” option on the System Con
g Screen. Previ-
ous backups will be displayed if present on the USB drive,
from which you can highlight a speci
c backup version and
select “OK” to execute the software restoration.
When you have completed your backup or update proce-
dure, select the “EJECT” option to remove the USB drive