User Manual Digital Shredder
Figure 21. User Identity Entry Screen
Type – Enable/Disable
Using the drop down list select the type of error to be
located or select ALL to include all records.
Figure 22. User Identity Entry Screen
Exporting History Data
Press „Export“ to bring up the Export History screen (see
Figure 21).
Figure 23. History Data Export Screen
You will be prompted to insert a USB drive into the USB
port in the back of the unit. Once you have done this and
drive is recognized, you will see the following screen.
Figure 24. History Data Export Screen
Now select the “EXPORT” option. The entire audit log will
be copied to the device in CSV format. The
le name will
be based on the current date. (e.g. 20060904-224207-log.
csv). You may now load this
le into Excel or another
program to create custom reports.