HRW HPD0460BN V402 Manual 150622.docx E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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Main’ Physical I/O Display
By entering
(Main) we can view the physical I/O summary status in the next illustration. In this
example points 9 & 10 (DO1 & DO2) have Max. Run time of 1000 seconds set to reduce wear & tear of
the 3-point actuator when open or closed command is at 100%; after 1000 seconds the output will
electrically be switched off (logically still seen as ON) until the command value falls below 100% at
which time the Max Run timer will reset. In practice it is recommended to set the Max Run timer at 2 x
the actuator running time.
UI’s display the linearized & scaled value (including calibration offset if any), the units as set in the
linearization table and, to the right of the units, the ‘raw count’ as seen by the microprocessor prior to
linearization and scaling being applied.
Point List Display
Enter P to display the first 21 active points. The listing will include any active logic connections and, in
the case of the UI’s the present calibration offset if used.
Min. ON
Min. OFF
Max. Run