V D PL3 0 0 CD
V. 01 – 16/10/2012
©Velleman nv
Soft w a r e V e r sion
To check the software version of the device:
1 .
Press <MENU> until <VERS> is displayed and press <ENTER>.
The display shows the software version number.
2 .
Press <MENU> to quit.
7 .3
St a n d- Alon e M ode
In stand-alone mode, the device runs one of the built-in programs: automatic or sound-activated.
To set the device to stand-alone mode:
1 .
Connect nothing to the DMX input
[ 4 ]
of the device.
2 .
Press <MENU> until <SHMD> is displayed and press <ENTER>.
3 .
Use <UP> and <DOWN> to select a built-in program (SH0 ~ SH12) and press <ENTER>.
Sou n d Act iv a t ion
To use sound activation, proceed as follows:
1 .
Press <MENU> until <SOUD> is displayed and press <ENTER>.
2 .
Use <UP> and <DOWN> to choose <ON> and press <ENTER>.
3 .
To switch sound activation off again, use <UP> and <DOWN> to choose <OFF> and press <ENTER>.
Se t t in g t h e M icr oph on e Se n sit iv it y
To change the sensitivity of the internal microphone, proceed as follows:
1 .
Press <MENU> until <SENS> is displayed and press <ENTER>.
2 .
Use <UP> or <DOWN> to change the sensitivity (0 ~ 100) and press <ENTER>.
7 .4
M a st e r / Sla v e M ode
The master/slave mode allows connecting several devices to a single master device. All slave devices will then
work synchronously with the master device.
You need to set one device to master mode and all other devices to slave mode.
1 .
Connect all devices in series with DMX cables.
2 .
The first unit in the chain functions as the master fixture. Set up the unit as described in
St a n d- Alon e
M ode
3 .
On the master device, press <MENU> until <SLMD> is displayed and press <ENTER>.
4 .
Use <UP> and <DOWN> to choose <MAST> and press <ENTER>.
5 .
On each slave device, press <MENU> until <SLMD> is displayed and press <ENTER>.
6 .
Use <UP> and <DOWN> to choose the desired setting:
<SL1> to run in normal slave mode.
<SL2> to run in reverse slave mode.
7 .
Press <ENTER> to confirm.
7 .5
D M X M ode
This mode allows you to control the fixture by any universal DMX controller.
All DMX-controlled devices need a digital start address so that the correct device responds to the signals.
This digital start address is the channel number from which the device starts to “listen” to the DMX
controller. The same starting address can be used for a whole group of devices or an individual address can
be set for every device.
When all devices have the same address, all the units will “listen” to the control signal on one particular
channel. In other words: changing the settings of one channel will affect all devices simultaneously. If you
set individual addresses, each device will “listen” to a separate channel number. Changing the settings of
one channel will only affect the device in question.
In case of the 1-channel VDPL300CD, you will have to set the start address of the first unit to 1 (CH1), the
second to 2 (CH2), the third to 3 (CH3), and so on.
In case of the 4-channel VDPL300CD, you will have to set the start address of the first unit to 1 (CH1~4),
the second to 5 (1 + 4) (CH5~8), the third to 9 (5 + 4) (CH9~12), and so on.
To set the device to work with a DMX controller:
1 .
Press <MENU> until <CHMD> is displayed and press <ENTER>.
2 .
Use <UP> and <DOWN> to select the 1 or 4 channel DMX mode and press <ENTER>.