IV. Replacement UV Parts
The 48W lamp in this system is rated for an effective lifespan of 9000 hours (12 months). They are designed for
continuous running, not for intermittent operation.
Lamp replacement | Every 12 Months
Replace Quarts Sleeve and O-Rings | Every 2 years
48W HO UV Lamp to suit H7-90-AT
470mm x 23mm OD Quartz Domed End Thimble
23mm OD O-Rings
Replacement Ballast
HPF Electronic Ballast | 33W – 120W with Countdown Timer
In order to maintain UV unit in optimum operation condition, if specific problems are detected during the routine
inspection, refer to applicable maintenance instructions for recommended repair procedure.
Possible Cause(s)
Leaking from
1. O-Rings Not Seated
2. Knurled Nut too loose
3. Damaged Thimble
1. If there is any issue with the o-ring in the way they are
seated this will need to be fixed. Remove the thimble
and repeat steps 3 – 5
2. If the nut is not tight enough, the o-rings will not have
a good enough compression and will cause a leak.
Slightly tighten up the nut until a watertight seal is
achieved. It is better to tighten slightly at a time to
prevent overtightening.
3. If there is a crack or hole in the thimble, it will fill from
the inside out. Turn off the water, carefully remove the
thimble and replace with a new one. If the thimble
releases and shards of glass, this chamber and
downstream plumbing will need to be thoroughly
checked and any glass removed before re-connection.
High Water
1. Low Flow Rate
2. Oversized System
1. If there are periods of low water usage or the water is
allowed to stand for long periods of time, the water
may be prone to heating up and may become
lukewarm or hot in extreme cases. Generally, this only
occurs on systems that have a short distance between
the outlet and the point of use. Whole house systems
have a larger length of cold plumbing pipes
2. If the system is too large for the application it is likely
that even with frequent water usage the water does not
get a chance to cool down effectively. If there are
significant fluctuations in usage or flow rates, it is good
practise to instal a thermal relief valve sold separately
on the outlet of the UV chamber which can bleed water
from the chamber and keep temperatures below 56°C.
Hot SS Chamber
1. Low Usage
1. As Above, if the water is allowed to stand for periods
of time the chamber will heat up naturally. This is
normal, however if the heating is excessive to the point
where it is causing damage to the chamber or
surrounding fixtures, a thermal relief valve should be