3-16 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Set Command
The set command is used to set or modify the value of an environment variable.
Environment variables are used to pass configuration information between the console
firmware and the operating system.
The syntax of the set command is:
set <envar> <value> [-default] [-integer] [-string]
The set command options are described in Table 3-7.
Table 3-7 SRM Set Command Options
Command Option
The environment variable to be assigned a new value.
The value that is assigned to the environment variable. It
can be either a numeric value or an ASCII string.
Restores an environment variable to its default value.
Creates an environment variable as an integer.
Creates an environment variable as a string.
Set Command Examples
Table 3-8 SRM Set Command Examples
>>>set bootdef_dev ewa0
The default boot device is set to ewa0.
>>>set auto_action boot
The console attempts to boot following an error, halt, or
>>>set osflags 0,1
The default boot flags are set to 0,1.
>>>set foobar 5
An environment variable called foobar is created and given
a value of 5.
>>>set os_type nt
Sets up the system to start the ARC console after the next
power cycle.