Supports 24-bits double buffered with 24-bit Z-buffer, overlay planes, alpha planes, and stencil
planes simultaneously
Support for AGP 2x/4x
Supported on AP250, AP550, and SP750
Operating system support for Windows NT 4.0
High End Enhanced 3D
Enhanced 3D is for the most demanding technical professionals. Offering leadership texture memory
support, z-buffer depth, application performance and dataset handling capabilities.
Intense3D Wildcat 4110 PRO
64 MB SDRAM dedicated frame buffer memory
64 MB SDRAM for texture memory
True color resolutions up to 2048x1152
24 and 32 bit z-buffer support
Quad-buffered stereo support
DVI-I digital output
Supported on Professional Workstations AP550 and SP750
Operating system support for Windows NT 4.0
Intense3D Wildcat 4210 PRO
128 MB SDRAM dedicated frame buffer memory
128 MB SDRAM for texture memory
32MB DirectBurst memory for pipeline optimization
True color resolutions up to 2048x1152
dual pipeline featuring 256-bit frame buffer and 128-bit texture buffer
Superscene antialiasing
3D volumetric texture support
24- and 32-bit z-buffer support
64 bit hardware accumulation buffer
96, 128, 160 and 192 bits/pixel modes
AGPPRO 110 slot
Frame sequential and stereo support
Complete OpenGL 1.2 geometry acceleration
Dual DVI-I digital output (dual display mode supported with Windows 2000)
Genlock and Multiview support
Supported on Professional Workstations AP550 and SP750
Operating system support for Windows NT 4.0 (Windows 2000 later)
Compaq PowerStorm 350 (with XP1000)
30 MB 3DRAM for frame buffer
32 MB CDRAM as texture memory
True color resolutions up to 1900 x 1200
Stereo support up to 1280 x 1024, with full 3D feature set
PCI form factor
Supported on AlphaStation XP900, XP1000, and DS20E systems
Support for Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system