The back case should come right off now, and we can get to main board.
Using an ISO setting of 400 makes for much better night pictures, and I feel this
is needed. I found that when we set this camera to sports mode, it will go to ISO
400, but when we power it off, it returns back to the default setting of ISO 200. I
found we could prevent this if we press the menu button while turning the camera
on. So, we want to solder a control wire to the Menu button. This wire will later be
twisted to, and connected to, the power wire on the opposite side of the servo
connector… or at the controller boards Power connection. By adding this menu
wire, and connecting the power and Menu wires outside the camera, the camera
will still work normally outside the trail cam. We will start the hack by soldering
the ground/common wire to the big solder lug circled in black. Solder the menu
wire where I have circled in red.