Chapter 2
Installing HP Remote Console
7. The first time you start pcANYWHERE32, the Smart Setup Wizard (shown below) helps you
configure your system by prompting you for basic information such as the COM port (COM 1 or
COM 2) and your modem specifications.
Figure 2-6. pcANYWHERE Setup, Modem Selection
8. After setup with the Smart Wizard is complete, pcANYWHERE32 displays the main program
menu bar
action button bar
Figure 2-7. pcANYWHERE Main Screen
Once you have completed the initial pcANYWHERE32 installation, you will need to configure for your
remote console modem model and phone number for your HP NetServer. After selecting a modem model
(from the ones on the supported modem list), you need to identify the phone number of each server you
want to remotely access.
To set the host phone number:
1. At the main program window action bar, click Call Online Service.
You will see an Add Online Service item and a connection item labeled E60Clien created for you by
the Smart Setup Wizard.
2. Right-click E60Clien to display the item’s drop-down menu and click Properties.